Automatic car parking indicator using Microcontroller Description: Conventionally, car parking systems does not have any intelligent monitoring syste

Conventionally, car parking systems does not have any intelligent monitoring system. Parking lots are monitored by human beings. All vehicles enter into the parking and waste time for searching for parking slot. Sometimes it creates blockage. Condition become worse when there are multiple parking lanes and each lane have multiple parking slots.

Use of automated system for car parking monitoring will reduce the human efforts. Display unit is installed on entrance of parking lot which will show LEDs for all Parking slot and for all parking lanes. Empty slot will be indicated by glowing the respective LED.

Block Diagram:

We have used Infra Red transmitters and Receivers for each parking slot. The IR Receivers are connected to AVR microcontroller. IR rays are obstructed when a car is parked in any parking slot. Thus AVR will come to know that which slot is empty and which slot is full. We have chosen IR module instead of RF module because we want a receiver having line of sight communication with the transmitter. But RF does not require line of sight communication. And in case of LDR, there is scope for false triggering due to sunlight or headlight of car. So considering all these points we have finalized to use IR module. For transmitter section we are going to use IR LEDs driven by a 555 timer IC. Timer IC will generate a frequency of 38 KHz, which will be given to IR LED