KLX250S Kawasaki Ignition System Parts Diagram and explanation

KLX250S Ignition System Parts Diagram The Kawasaki KLX250S is powered by a compact, liquid-cooled, four-stroke, single-cylinder engine displacing 249cc. A throttle position sensor (TPS) helps the 34mm semi-flat slide Keihin CVK carburetor deliver the optimum amount of fuel for all riding conditions. Here is a typical schematic of the 2007 Kawasaki KLX250S Ignition System Parts and Components Diagram.
21119 Igniter
21121 Ignition Coil
21130 Spark Plug Cap
21131 High Tension Grommet
92071 Plug Cap Grommet
92151 Bolt-Flanged-Small
92172 Screw