LT3463A Dual Micropower DC/DC Converters Block Diagram and Datasheet

A constant off-time control which provide a high efficiency over a wide range of output current can be used by the LT3463A dual micropower DC/DC converters with internal Schottky Diodes, as described in the following circuit diagram. According to the LT3463A datasheet, this device used to be applied in applications such as CCD bias, LCD bias, Handheld computers, and Digital Cameras.

The LT3463 datasheet also covers sections such as several recommended inductors that work well with the LT3463A, boost regulator using the LT3463A, appropriate inductor value to be used for an inverting regulator using this device, Inverting Charge Pump Regulator, Capacitor Selection, How to Set the Output Voltages, PCB board layout and component placement.

Further detailed on High Efficiency LT3463A Dual Micropower DC/DC Converters Block Diagram can be seen in LT3463A Datasheet (source: