PIC Prototyping board 18F2550 – USB enabled That’s a very nice PIC Prototyping board based on 18F2550 USB enabled microcontroller. Author writes:

That’s a very nice PIC Prototyping board based on 18F2550 USB enabled microcontroller. Author writes:

The board features a USB port that can be used with a bootloader for easy programming. Five analog inputs are brought out (AN0-AN4) which can be used to read analog sensors, as well as the two CCP ports which can be used to control servos or other devices. A user LED is built in, using RA4. The onboard USART ports are brought out to a three pin header which can be used to talk to other microcontrollers, or to an RS232 device with a MAX232 level converter. The whole of PORTB is brought out to a header, as well as a pair of power headers. An ICSP header rounds out the board for programming the PIC.

PIC Prototyping board 18F2550 – USB enabled – [Link]