General DC Power Supply with uA723 This is the power supply circuit for general purpose usage. General Power Supply with uA723 circuit diagram The s

General DC Power Supply with uA723

This is the power supply circuit for general purpose usage.
General Power Supply with uA723 circuit diagram

The supply can be used for supply output voltages from 1 to 35V. The line transformer should be selected to give about 1.4 times the desired output voltage from the positif side of filted capacitor C1 to ground. Potensiometer R2 sets the output voltage to the desired value by adjusting the reference input. Rsc is the current limit set resistor.

For example, if the maximum current output is to be 1A, Rsc=0.65/1.0 = 0.65 Ohm. The 1KOhm resistor,R5, is a light-loaded resistor designed to improve the no-load stability of the supply.