Party-Like Music Produced from Acid-Machine overview and explanation

Party-Like Music Produced from Acid-Machine


This machine works by making a LED blink in the frequency of the sound and a set speed rotates the image.


On top of the machine is the circle that contains lines where the notes being played are displayed while rotating. The lines in the middle circle will be standing still when C is played which will go outward and all notes will be displayed on a keyboard in 12 steps. The musical frequencies are displayed in centimeters for the distance between the lines. The frequencies in the circle are transformed by a script made in PHP to display the notes. To find notes using the potentiometers on the synth, the circle can also be used.

A simple noise generator and a filter comprise the sound part of the machine as it is based on logic ICs. A binary counter and a resistor ladder are used to make the 4-bit saw which is the sound the synth generates. The rotation speed of the tone wheels is determined by the red knob or the potentiometer on the controller. The notes are played as an arpeggiator by the sequencer which comes is 2 different modes.