Simple UHF Video Transmitter circuit and explanation

Here's video transmitter circuit is working on the UHF channel frequency 470-580 MHz channel 21-34. This video transmitter can radiate as far as 30-100 meters by using a cable 10-20 cm. If you have a plan to amplify this video transmitter's signal, please make a good bandpass filter.

This video transmitter requires supplies voltage of 9-15 volt. However, you can also use a 9v batteries. Better result on low signal noise, use switching power supply.

This is an important thing to remember for building of the video transmitter circuit is that the dimensions of coil size to match the frequency of the desired work. The value of the spindle is making coil as follows:
L1, L2 = 3 Turns, diam. 3mm, 0.5mm wire
L3 = 2 Turns, diam. 3 mm, 0.5 mm wire

Don't forget making a good RF shielding

Source: 470-580 MHz UHF TV Transmitter