Latest Amplifier Headphone Rangkaian Amplifier Headphone Both behindhand of the ambit are identical. Both inputs accept a dc aisle to arena via t

Rangkaian Amplifier Headphone
Rangkaian Amplifier Headphone

Both behindhand of the ambit are identical. Both inputs accept a dc aisle to arena via the ascribe 47k ascendancy which should be a bifold log blazon potentiometer. The antithesis ascendancy is a distinct 47k beeline potentiometer, which at centermost acclimation prevents alike abrasion to both larboard and appropriate ascribe signals. If the antithesis ascendancy is confused appear the larboard side, the larboard ascribe clue has beneath attrition than the appropriate clue and the larboard approach is bargain added than the appropriate ancillary and carnality versa. The above-mentioned 10k resitors ensure that neither ascribe can be "shorted" to earth. Amplification of the audio arresting is provided by a distinct date accepted emitter amplifier and again via a absolute accompanying emitter follower. Overall accretion is beneath than 10 but the final emitter addict date will anon drive 8 ohm headphones. Higher impedance headphones will assignment appropriately well. Note the final 2k2 resistor at anniversary output. This removes the dc abeyant from the 2200u coupling capacitors and prevents any "thump" actuality heard back headphones are acquainted in. The ambit is cocky biasing and advised to assignment with any ability accumulation from 6 to 20 Volts DC.
