Bass Booster for 10 Watt Audio Amplifier

As this series amplifier also uses a number of frequencies to the loudspeaker, the bass frequencies will be reduced. Therefore, the need to install bass-boost control on the feedback loop amplifier, this is done to overcome the declining quality. Graphic bass can reach a maximum at +16.4 dB @ 50Hz.

Note: this can be connected Rangkaian directly on the CD player, tuner, and tape recorder. Q3 and Q4 must be in pairs with the heatsinks.

Set the volume control on the position of the minimum and R3 with a minimum value resistansion also. try to activate a series of da set R3 legible to flow about 20 to 25mA. Wait for 15 minutes, connect the ground at J1, P1, C2, C3dan C4. Connect the output on the ground C9.

10 Watt Audio Amplifier Bass Booster
Daftar Komponen|Component List :
P1 : 22K Log Potemsiometer (Dual gang for stereo) C3, 4 : 470uF/25V
P2 : 100K Log Potensiometer (Dual gang for stereo) C6 : 47pF 63V ceramic ar polyester capasitor
R2, 4, 8 : 820R 1/4W C7 : 10nF 63V polyester capasitor
R1 : 4K7 1/4W C9 : 100nF 63V polyester capasitor
R3 : 500R 1/2W D1 : 1N4148 75V 150mA Diode
R5 : 82K 1/4W IC 1 : NE5532 Low noise Dual Op-amp
R6, 7 : 47K 1/4W Q1 : BC547B 45V 100mA NPN Transitor
R9 : 10R 1/2W Q2 : BC557B 45V 100mA PNP Transitor
R10 : 0,22 4W(wirewound) Q3 : TIP42A 60V 6A PNP Transistor
C1, 8 : 470nF 63V polyester capasitor Q4 : TIP41A 60V 6A NPN Transistor
C2, 5 : 100uF/25V J1 : RCA audio input socket

Power supply Component List :
R1 : 1K5 1/4W
elco : 4700uF/25v
D : 100V 4A Diode bridge
Led merah
T : Centertap tranformer 2A 20V