Implementing IR Receiver on La Fonera

Implementing IR Receiver on La Fonera


This is an avrlirc project that uses AVR ATtiny2313 to connect IR receiver to the serial RX line which can be used with USB/serial and embedded system like La Fonera with simple serial port.


The software part of the project consists of two parts. The firmware for the AVR is the first which allows configuring sources, compiling, and burning the AVR Flash with AVRdude. The avrlirc2udp is the second part which acts as the host part that run on the computer, listens to the serial port, and sends IR data to lircd. The firmware is built and uploaded via RedBoot with Telnet login.

The hardware part is comprised of an Atmel AVR ATtiny2313, TSOP receiver, 14.7475 MHz quartz, 22pf ceramic capacitors, and optional LED with 330 Ohm resistor. A quartz resonator provides better result although an internal 8 MHz resonator from the AVR can be used.

The AVR should not be connected to serial TX of RS232 interface due to the difference in voltages which may burn the AVR. A homemade Fonera console adapter can be used to convert TTL/RS232 or use a MAX232 circuit to connect to the AVR.